Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Due to the 2007 film, The Golden Compass, many people from all over have been claiming that Phillip Pullman, the writer, attempts to attack Chrisitanity. In Al's Book Club, a reader asks Pullman if he is "anti-catholic and promoting athiesim". Pullman states that his films in no way promote athiesm, but state that religion and the government should be as far from eachother as possible to keep from disasterous effects. He references the Afgani Talliban and claims that if religion and political power are not kept as far away as possible, then they will "send armies to war or to condemn people to death, or to rule every aspect of our lives, it rapidly goes bad."

The Golden Compass is a very ambiguious movie in which the audience can draw conclusions and parallels between the fictionional world of Pullman's imagination and the world in which we live. The movie claims that dust is a bad thing that connects the different universes. The Magisterium, which is ruled by the Authority, wishes to get rid of the dust which was created by the Authority. This could be taken as:
The Magesterium is the church.
The Authority is God.
The Dust is Original Sin.
In order to rid of the world of (dust) original sin, we must first rid the world of the Authority (God).
When the film is looked at from this perspective, it can definatly be taken as attacking Christianity. But this is not exactly what the writer was claiming and not the reason he wrote the book.

(Not to be graded portion) I personally think that people need to stop analyzing things so closely because its a good book and I want to know what happens next so they should make another movie. This also strongly backs my statement in which I claim that we should all stop analyzing media because it will just lead to another epidimic like the Manson Murders and stuff like that. If he would have just not analyzed the stupid songs, that may have not happened. So thank you Mr. Hughes, you have probably raised up a mass murderer. (Not myself or anything)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I start administering hallucinogenic drugs along with these rhetorical analysis, I'll be happy to bear the responsibility for the murders we commit as we usher in the Apocalypse.

May the Four Horsemen (John, George, Paul, and Ringo) be with you!!

(not to be graded portion) People should have not analyzed Harriet Beecher Stowe's UNCLE TOM'S CABIN so closely either--Geez! What's wrong with people. That story was clearly fiction. It was not attacking the institution of slavery or anything--it's FICTION...FAKE...

Helter Skelter in yo' face!!!

(winking emoticon)