Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Truth, Knowledge, Beliefs, WHATEVER! (3)

What is truth? Who is to say what is true and what is not? I believe that every pholosophiccal subject is based in truth. Belief is based upon your perception of what is true and what is not. Knowledge is somewhat based in truth because you can know a ton of information but what does it matter if its not true? But what is the definition of truth? Merriam Webster defines tuth as "a judgement, proposition, or idea that is true or is accepted as truth." So, can facts be untrue? A fact is "a piece of information that has objective reality(the state of something being real)."

In a court room truth is supposed to be the basis for every motion, every decision. But just ask any lawyer who is defending a guilty person; theydont want the truth of what happened the night of the murder. If their client told them the truth they would be morally obligated to plead the defendant as guilty. No one would get a lot of money if that was the case.

What if the ideas and facts we have know to be "truth" and have percieved and accepted as truth are all just ideas with no truth in them at all? Take for instance the ninth and smallest planet, Pluto. We all grew up leaning that Pluto was the cold, blue planet farthest away from the sun. Well, as of last year we are all wrong. Pluto is no longer a planet. So it was a "fact" but now its not? The fact has been disproven! Can they do that?

As a Christian you can say that you believe in God and you know he is there because of your faith, but what if He's not. If thats the case; your belief, your true meaning of existance is worthless. A lot of people (myself included) push this thought to the back of their mind becase they are afraid of what is really, actually true. I think it would be scary to discover the truth. What if there is no God, would our standards of living be radically different? Or would we still strive to be the people we currently strive to be?

As I was brainstorming I came up with with this theisis:
Facts are true, beliefs can be true. One can know facts, one can know that they believe something. But one can not know all truth.

Here's the thing, I dont know everything. I dont know hardly anything and that is probably not going to change anytime soon. I really am not sure what the point of beating oneself up over things like the quest to distinguish knowledge, truth, and belief. Everyone has their own opinions and try as you may, you will not change everyone's opinion. As long as you believe what you believe for a just reason, it is your belief and it is correct in your heart. If that's not enough for you, then what, in your opinion, is the point of life?

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