Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jeremy (VI)

As school violence became a very eminent issue in our society Pearl Jam and many other prominent bands began to speak up and voice their opinions. A very controversial song that did just that was "Jeremy" by Peal Jam. This song is about a young boy who is shown no affection at home and is bullied at school. this song is written as if the speaker is a primary source to the ridicule and scorn that Jeremy received. The speaker is reminiscent and remorseful about what happened with Jeremy. It seems as though throughout the song the speaker is trying to tell Jeremy's story. He seems like he wants to take what he has done to Jeremy back and let others know that people aren't just what you see on the surface. Jeremy was a troubled young man and because people didn't accept him, he killed himself.

The speaker is obviously trying to appeal to the audience's emotions by speaking of Jeremy's troubled home and problems at school. He puts his heart on the page as he sings about the experience that has shaken him to his very foundation. The very fact that the speaker has gone through this terrible event makes him have an air of authority about him. The speaker is trying to accomplish the main goal of having people see what happened in his life because of the torment he put one child through. He does this by appealing to emotions and speaking in a remorseful tone.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Strengths and Weaknesses as a Writer. (5??)

(Please bear with the first paragraph...I'm just trying to get momentum.)
I use to think I would go into writing as a career. I figured I would start somewhere small, a local newspaper or something, and end up in Vogue or Harper's Bazaar. It all started out with the dream to be a writer who reviews books for a major magazine. I loved to read. I loved to write. It just seemed like perfect sense. Then came my love for fashion. I was constantly engrossed in Vogue, Glamour, In Style, and any other fashion magazine I could get my hands on. I then dreamed of becoming a "fashion editor" in Vogue. I would mix my two passions, English and fashion, and get the job of my dreams. I suddenly was way-laid by a reality check. Millions of girls would dream for that job, but only a few would get it. That is when I realized my dreams were very farfetched. Yes, people would tell me that I could achieve anything and that "the sky's the limit," but I didn't have much faith in myself. My eighth grade year at St. Theresa I had Mrs. Moak. She was the cheerleading sponsor so she liked me fairly enough and she was the English teacher. We wrote at least two essays every week and she did not grade lightly. Looking at where I was in my quest towards my future I was very discouraged. My papers always seemed to look as though there was a murder and my paper just happened to be an innocent bystander, covered in the remains of the murdered. After paper after paper of corrections and little notes of support I became better. My grammar had improved, as did my self-esteem. High school came and suddenly the grammatical assignments came. There was more focus on literature, rather than English. Three years later and I find myself in that position where my grammar almost back to where I was in at the beginning of eighth grade. I don’t feel as confident as I use to.

I guess I can write a decent paper. Most of the training only needs to be slightly brushed up and I could be as good as new. I believe the hardest part is writing a theisis statement. I know that it has to state what the paper is going to attempt to convey. I know that it is crucial in the development of any paper. But I do not know how to write one that doesnt sound harsh and rigid. I feel I can write opinions way better than I can write facts. It seems to me when Im writing about facts my papers seem more choppy. When just writing what I feel, I feel more free and it jsut comes more easily to me.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Who is intellegent? (4)

Intellegence is a goal in many people's lives. It is something many strive for and spend their entire lives looking for. The first thing many people think of when they hear the word "intellegenve" is being smart or having a lot of knowledge. Some think that being smart is all intellegence is. Others believe it is being able to apply knowledge. So, who is intellegent? Shouldnt one's view of the intellegent and the ignorant be based upon one's definition of intellegence?
Merriam Webster defines intellegence as "the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situation." For the sake of the argument let us just go with this definiton. By this we can accept almost anyone as "intellegent". It could be anyone who can get by, anyone who can stay alive. A 3 month old child or a 30 year old druggie could be considered intellegent. So one would guess that almost anyone could be intellegent.
Intellegence is one of those things that can not really be defined. It differs from person to person and it can be so many different things that a definition can not really be pinned down.